The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of work of the author and institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree on standards of expected ethical behaviour. The authors should ensure they write entirely original works, and if they have used the work and/or words of others than it needs to be appropriately cited or quoted. An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication.
Ethical policy for journal The primary aim of CGC International Journal of Contemporary Technology and Research is to promote high quality and credible research in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology. The journal assures publication of high quality scientific articles.
Editors Editors of CGCIJCTR are often subject expert in the field of Sciences. The editor ensures the validation of the work and its importance to researchers and readers. Editor can reject article on the basis of its novelty and current research trend. A manuscript full filling the plagiarism requirement and copyright infringement are subjected to peer review process. The final decision on the publication will be taken by editor based on reviewer’s comment to accept, revise or reject the article.
Article Evaluation CGCIJCTR considers originally submitted articles which are not published before or in communication with any other journal. Authors must ensure the originality of the article before submitting the manuscript to the journal. All manuscripts submitted to CGCIJCTR are subjected to Double Blind peer review process. The subject expert editor first give approval for the manuscript and then it is subjected to peer review. The identity of authors and reviewers are kept anonymous.
Authorship Corresponding author must ensure that the authors in the list have made significant contribution to the work under publication. It is important to list everyone name who has significant contribution in the manuscript to avoid any conflict in the later stages. The sequence of author name in the manuscript is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author. If at any stage journal receives an information regarding the non-mentioning of any author name, the article is liable for rejection on this ground.
Conflict of interest All authors are required to disclose any conflict of interest with others including the funding agencies and the co-authors. A statement of declaration of interest needs to be added at the end of the manuscript after the conclusion section but before the references.
Acknowledgement Authors are required to acknowledge the funding agency at the end of the manuscript to avoid any conflict of interest.
Citation manipulation Authors are required not to cite unusual citation of their own work for which they want to increase the citation. This may cause rejection of the manuscript. Also journal assures that editor and reviewers will not ask authors to cite references of their own work just to increase their number of citations.
False information At any time during the submission, reviewing or after the publication, if the manuscript is found to be manipulated in terms of results or images of other’s work, the article will be retracted from publication.
Work involving animal ethics. Authors must have taken ethical clearance for the work involving animal or human use. If the work involves any hazardous material or chemical, the author are required to submit a statement of compliance for the same.