CGC International Journal of Contemporary Technology and Research (CGCIJCTR) is a fast emerging, peer-reviewed journal available online which is highly committed to provide a huge platform to share innovative ideas, outstanding developments and research findings in different domains of Engineering Science and Technology across the globe. I positively hope that Volume 1, Issue 1 will successfully accomplish our global educational, scientific and technical goals, underscoring our distinction of being an innovation-oriented institution. It gives me an immense pride to launch this new Journal and present you with the inaugural first volume of CGCIJCTR Journal in 2018 with high quality original researched content. The journal aims to publish original research and review articles in the field of Engineering Science & Technology. .
This journal explores the multi-disciplinary innovations from the latest findings in studies and to encourage cooperation among researchers and academicians to facilitate the mutual transaction of knowledge and updated happenings in the field. An enormous amount of sweat and toil has gone into the development of this journal and I strongly believe that you will see that effort reflect in this edition. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Editorial Board members for their persistent support and extraordinary efforts to make the launch of this new issue a reality. On behalf of CGCIJCTR Staff, I must thank our Authors, Editors and anonymous reviewers who continue to make proactive contributions to the success of the journal. To improve the quality and content of the journal, valuable comments including observations and suggestions are always welcome from your end. I’m looking forward to your contribution with unwavering optimism that we as a one unified unit will be able to reinforce our resolve to excel in the field of research and innovation and set new milestones, surpassing the previous accomplishments.
With warm regards
Prof. (Dr.) P.N. Hrisheekesha